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Using the Keyboard to Select Menu Options

As described in the keystroke conventions topic you can open a menu using an Alt key combination. However, you do not use the Alt key to select an option from an open menu. A menu option is selected by pressing a key for the underlined character only.

For example consider the options described for the "Common Menus". The underlined character for the FILE menu is F. You select the FILE menu by pressing and holding the Alt key, momentarily pressing the F key, then releasing the Alt key.

Micronet then displays the available FILE menu options which may include:

A menu option is selected by pressing a key for the underlined character only. For example, you select the NEW option by pressing the N key.

Likewise, you select the EXIT option by using Alt+F key combination followed by pressing the X key.

The following table summarises the keystrokes used to access the common menus:

Menu Option

Keystrokes Used


Alt+F, N


Alt+F, F


Alt+F, S


Alt+F, D


Alt+F, C


Alt+F, X


Alt+D, O


Alt+D, F